Friday, March 04, 2005

Free Keywords: Find the best keywords for your web pages.

Free Keywords: Find the best keywords for your web pages.: "SEO "

Dear Friend,
Until very recently I was an "unknown." Nobody but a few friends knew who I was or what I had done. Even though I've made my living online exclusively for over 14 years, I pretty much kept to myself...

... and I kept my secrets to myself.

Why? Think about it. If you came across something that made you a lot of money ... something that most people would be able to copy... would you share it openly with the world? Probably not.

I never really wanted to tell anyone that I had "figured things out," because I wanted to just keep my mouth shut, continue working feverishly in the dark corner of my bedroom, and keep depositing money hand-over-fist into my bank accounts.

And that's exactly what I did for many years. (Can you blame me?)

But making money wasn't always so easy for me.

At One Point In My Career, I Had Quite
Literally Worked Myself Almost To Death.
(Luckily, My Doctor Intervened.
I Was $100,000 In Debt, Too.)
I had tried, tested and bought "into" every quack scheme and traffic system known to man. I wanted to "crack the code." I was searching for the holy grail that would explode my traffic and skyrocket my business with almost no effort or money.

(Boy, was I wasting my time.)

Sure, I did eventually find and even created powerful strategies that made me money... a ton of money. (That's where being a fanatical, diligent tester paid off. And I'm about to share these strategies with you... so keep reading.)

But back then, I fell for a lot of the hype from these "traffic scams." I was so naive, because I remember getting all excited, doing the math, thinking I was about to get rich overnight. And it was one disappointment after another.

In fact, to show you, let me take a moment and shatter a few myths...


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